Sunday, 28 October 2007

The News

This topic of this week is mainly toward the News. I'm very interested in this part of content.

  • First of all, the definition and concept of News is the most important to me. I had never thought about what the News is before i attended this lecture. In this course, News is defined as a collectivity of information from all aspects which is used to spread and share. I summarize the key points of News. 1) Collection of information 2) No limite of source 3) Get ready to be spread and shared.
  • According to the development of communication technique, the spread channel of News is developing all the time. In another word, the technnology influence and limit the style of News all the time. From the original speaking way beame to the Internet issue, every time the technical change would lead to a advance of News. In my opionion, the most important improvement for News is the invention of letter and writing. The invention of writing create a new fixed way of recording News and spread exactly. The following advances were all lead by this direction.
  • The most distinct difference of the News in different terms is the promulgator. The activity of mass incresed day by day. The News is becoming to be owned by everybody with the Internet. Everyone can produce the private story to be the News. That's the current News. And It's a new way of fashion life.
  • At last, I want to talk about the need of News in the society. All the people are interested in the News especially for the News happened towards with ourselves. The coffee shop and afternoon tea became to the promotion of News. They provided the space and time to people for reading and talking about the News.

Saturday, 20 October 2007


Alife ,AI, Cyborgs

In this week, the lecture of cyberculture was very interesting. Because we make a explain of the definition of Alife, AI and Cyborgs. I think all the boys had a dream about the robot when they were children.

In the class, professor showed us a short video” The borg queen speaks” which is from the “Star Trek”. It's attractive to us.

After watch the video, it’s easily to summary the video as the physical combination with the robot and advanced AI technique.

Refer to the AI technique, Alife and cyborgs, I want to talk about the influence to our daily life from them. The most familiar example is the PC games. All the games run with a independent AI engine PC program. When we take part in the game, we can adjust the level of AI, it proved that the AI technology is related to the designer’s ability. And it can be controlled in a prescient range. In recent years, the AI technology is widely used in daily life. Such as the house, car, security etc. The research of robot is the focus all of the world. It’s a important standard showing one country’s technique level. But how to use a cheap and safe robot in the real daily life is the key problem in science area.

Nowadays, the robot is limited in exhibition. But it must be used in common life someday.

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Week 3

The Birth of Cyberspace

In this week, the most important proceeds is the whole process of cyberspace’s development.

When the word was talked in first time, the cyberspace is considered to be a fantasy and dream. It was unbelievable to people that there will be a world built base on the data. Everything is made up with data. In another way, due to this fantastic idea, the scientists made the research around data in this direction.

The source of word “cyber” is interesting and dramatic. The word “cyber” can represent the basic notion which is the control of everything in the new world with the computer technology.

I am very interested in the concept of virtual and virtual world. In my opinion, the virtual reality must be created on the real world base. Because the sensory experiences used in virtual world are from people’s daily life which is belong to the real world. Without the basic elements in real world, the virtual world will stop developing.

When people pay attention or immerse in the second reality, their body is still locate in the real world, but his mind and the soul is in another world. This lead to the separation of mind and body such as a people travel in the internet game. But the sensory experience will also connect both of the two worlds together. A people won’t change his character in two different worlds.
That’s what I want to talk in this week. They are interesting but difficult questions about the virtual reality and cyberspaces.

The Problems about the Cyberspaces
In this video" Cyber Identify", the most obvious problem is the cyber identify and the make up in the cyberspaces. Anyone can use any name, with any age, occupation and any other lelated informations as need. So the cyberspace is still a developing stage without a standard and ruler. It seems too unreal to people rely on, sometimes it's fearful.

Sunday, 7 October 2007

Week 2

New VS. Old

In this week, the most important point of lecture is the difference between new media and old media. After the class, I make a search of the reading meterials about new media and old media. I made a summary of the dufference about new and old media.
According to the different medium of spread, media can be devided into 4 levels. These 4 levels is base on the different stage of developing process. First level is the media rely on the traditional newspaper. The radio and TV technology can be defined as the second and third levels. The lastest one is base on the internet technique, which is considered to be the new media. But this special new group is made up with two parts. One is the traditional media advance with new internet technology, another one is the new media born with the new technology.
The differences between new media and old media:

  • The spread way. New media rely on the internet to spread its message. But the audience is not only the receiver of the message, but also the producer, poster or focus.
  • The concept and content of the 2 types of media is different. Old media take importance to control and filter the information, then send them to audience. But new media prefer giving more space for the imformation and make more free communication.
  • Advertising is a important difference to these 2 media. In old media, the more attention people paid to the media, the more advertising profit media can get. But it's absolutely different in new media.