Sunday, 28 October 2007

The News

This topic of this week is mainly toward the News. I'm very interested in this part of content.

  • First of all, the definition and concept of News is the most important to me. I had never thought about what the News is before i attended this lecture. In this course, News is defined as a collectivity of information from all aspects which is used to spread and share. I summarize the key points of News. 1) Collection of information 2) No limite of source 3) Get ready to be spread and shared.
  • According to the development of communication technique, the spread channel of News is developing all the time. In another word, the technnology influence and limit the style of News all the time. From the original speaking way beame to the Internet issue, every time the technical change would lead to a advance of News. In my opionion, the most important improvement for News is the invention of letter and writing. The invention of writing create a new fixed way of recording News and spread exactly. The following advances were all lead by this direction.
  • The most distinct difference of the News in different terms is the promulgator. The activity of mass incresed day by day. The News is becoming to be owned by everybody with the Internet. Everyone can produce the private story to be the News. That's the current News. And It's a new way of fashion life.
  • At last, I want to talk about the need of News in the society. All the people are interested in the News especially for the News happened towards with ourselves. The coffee shop and afternoon tea became to the promotion of News. They provided the space and time to people for reading and talking about the News.

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