Sunday, 7 October 2007

Week 2

New VS. Old

In this week, the most important point of lecture is the difference between new media and old media. After the class, I make a search of the reading meterials about new media and old media. I made a summary of the dufference about new and old media.
According to the different medium of spread, media can be devided into 4 levels. These 4 levels is base on the different stage of developing process. First level is the media rely on the traditional newspaper. The radio and TV technology can be defined as the second and third levels. The lastest one is base on the internet technique, which is considered to be the new media. But this special new group is made up with two parts. One is the traditional media advance with new internet technology, another one is the new media born with the new technology.
The differences between new media and old media:

  • The spread way. New media rely on the internet to spread its message. But the audience is not only the receiver of the message, but also the producer, poster or focus.
  • The concept and content of the 2 types of media is different. Old media take importance to control and filter the information, then send them to audience. But new media prefer giving more space for the imformation and make more free communication.
  • Advertising is a important difference to these 2 media. In old media, the more attention people paid to the media, the more advertising profit media can get. But it's absolutely different in new media.

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